Friday, June 29, 2012


 At the end of April, Simon finished his volunteer work at UPP and departed camp to go travelling before returning to Canada. As a farewell present to everyone at camp he bought a goat. Not some goat meat….  A goat. A bleating, eating goat. Needless to say he didn’t buy it as a pet. That night the same goat could be found on kebab sticks over the fire. I did get some photos of the process that led it there but have decided against putting them on due to fairly graphic content that may offend or disturb. On second thoughts, here they are.

On the 8th of May I returned to Kigoma to pick up a new volunteer by the name of Xander who is from the states. Sadly for him, I’ll be the only vector through which he can practice the art of the English language.
In other news a domestic flight crashed on take off from my local airport at kigoma. Only one person got injured, which was apparently caused by him trying to make too hasty a departure from the plane. It was reported the plane crashed due to pot holes on the run way…
Air Tanzania....

I was also told last night that lions had killed 3 cows next to the local village of Uvinza a mere 2 hrs from camp! Cool ey?

Camp is also undergoing an upgrade at the moment. We are replacing the kitchen and pantry area with one huge longhouse type thing.

Where did the kitchen go?
A cool yellow phase Puff adder i found