Havnt updated the blog for a while. Im nearing the end of my first month in Tanzania and so far so good! The responsibilities at camp have started to kick in which has kept me busy. Havnt seen the chimps since that first encounter, which I have already described, bar a few glimpses of black limbs disappearing into the jungle. Sadly most of the time they see us before we see them.
Im starting to learn my way around the forest as well which is great. I went out on my own yesterday afternoon so I could run naked with the baboons. It was very liberating. Hopefully they will get used to my hairless body and accept me as one of them.
what the f*ck are you looking at? (baboon) |
Ive built more stuff as well. Something to entertain me in the evenings. We now have a set of shelves in the office to put our collection of skulls and bones on! Quite morbid but very scientific I assure you. I am also half way through building my self a bed side table for my tent which is coming along spiffingly.
Also remember the colobus pictures? Well it turns out their not a new species or sub species (obviously). But they have never been found in this area before so I have been credited with photographing evidence of range extension. This is cool for me but not that big of a deal I don’t think.
Im supposed to be driving to the town on the 30th of this month which means I should finally have access to the internet and post this bad boy so none of you can read it!
Issa valley in all its glory |
An early morning view of the valley North of camp (Issa valley) |
Simon and Sam hard at "wor" in the office |
The pantry (on the left) and kitchen/livingroom (on the right) and apparantly thats the washing up station on the far right! |
Ran into a small family group of Dwarf mongoose the other day about 10km from camp. Most of the time (which is occasional) mongoose encounters end in them getting underground as fast as possible. This group however could not be more curious of me! They let me get within 10 feet of them, quite happilly! (they tend to occupy old termite tunnels/mounds) - cute little bastards
African Dwarf mongoose (x2) |
African Dwarf mongoose (x1) |
There is also a very impressive ornithological presence (birds) in the area. Trying to learn whats what is very intimidating. But heres one of the local birds of prey!
A Batleur |
here are some other random photos...
A red crested night jar blending in! |
Sam lying next to the 10 foot rock python skeleton some of the guys found ( thats pretty f*king big) |
A butterfly nearly the size of my hand defying gravity |
nothing like a bit of bug sex |
1 of a herd of 6 Roan antelopes I came across (an unusual sighting!) |
A big green grasshoper/cricket/locust thing.. |
A view of the valley East of Issa |
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