So as you may or may not know, I am flatulent at the best of times. Nowadays, again as you may or may not know, my diet consists of roughly 1kg of beans a day. We all know the effects beans have on ones bowel movements. This multiplication effect has had devastating consequences, especially for the people around me. Seriously when I’m in the field, I’m worried ill scare the animals away before I see them! It’s a good thing there’s only one woman at camp and let me tell you, she aint a happy bunny.
On a different note, we have come in to our local village for supplies. The village is called Uvinza and its economic infrastructure owes itself to the existence of a salt mine there. This is the village where our research assistants hail from and it is about a 2 hour drive from here to our camp.
Today we are also supporting a woman who works for JGI (the Jane Goodall Institute). She has been introducing more sustainable cooking stoves around the country especially in places where people live alongside sensitive ecosystems. As a result less fire wood is needed and thus less forest is cut down. The Ugalla Primate Project (the project I’m employed by) has partly funded her coming to Uvinza and so I’ll be there to represent us. Hopefully ill get some pictures up at the end of the month.
Now if you don’t mind im going to enjoy my first cold, fizzy drink in 2 weeks!
Me, Grace (crouching) and the local Uvinzans who have enrolled in the programme |